Brand Identity & Website Questionnaire

Design is one of the vital conversations of our time. In the interest of making the dialog even richer, it is important to understand how you perceive yourself, your company, and ultimately your brand. In addition, we need to understand how your brand communicates to your audience and how your audience perceives you.

Over the next few pages there are some questions to help us (you and us) gather ideas and further the design thought process along.

If at any point you need to leave, you can hit the save tab at the bottom of the form and return back to your place at a later time

The following questionnaire is divided in 3 chapters:

  • 15 questions About Your Company
  • 16 questions Brand Design
  • 9 questions Website Design

Please fill out the questionnaire below as best as you can. This will help us greatly to get the conversation started. This form will allow you to save your progress as you go and come back to it at a later time.

Let's Begin!