Discover a Dragon Series: Chief of Staff, Dorothy Miller-Farleo

Dragon Army
Dragon Army
Published Jan 13, 2022

Dorothy-Miller Farleo (DMF to those of us lucky enough to know her well) has been a part of the Dragon Army crew almost since the very beginning. She began working with Dragon Army’s president Jenn Leahy in 2007 and has been with others on the Dragon Army team (including our founder Jeff HIlimire since the early days of Engauge and Moxie. 

In her three years at Dragon Army, she’s exemplified what it means to be indispensable. She’s supported business development, marketing, project management, production, and culture. And as of 2022, she is our new Chief of Staff. DMF would tell you that her career evolution has been exciting because it’s allowed her to learn and grow. We would just tell you that everyone needs a DMF. 

Share a project or partnership that gives us a snapshot into your work.

Even though I spend every day working in digital content and formats, I actually started my career in print and paper. I still have a passion for paper and print so the project that I find so much fun is helping to manage the Astrobrights social media accounts. If you know paper, you know the beautiful and colorful Astrobrights collections. Working on a paper account is fun, and the fact that we’re tying paper to digital to share crafts and creations on social media for people makes it even more fun.

Another project I have loved is managing the Atlanta Celebrates Photography Phoenix mural. We got to use Augmented Reality (AR) to bring print and art to life. How cool is that? Plus, it was award-winning, and we are so proud of it.

What attracted you to Dragon Army or why have you built your career here?

I’ve worked with Jeff, Jenn, and so many of our other Dragons for so long. That was my natural attraction to Dragon Army. For me, it’s all about the people. My passion for our Dragons inspires my happiness. I get to use my role to celebrate the team, keep everyone positive, and host things like virtual happy hours and baby showers. I play a role in helping to keep everyone inspired and healthy.

What Dragon Army core value resonates with you most and why?

This is hard for me! I have an attachment to all of them. Putting the Team First resonates quite a bit with me because it’s how I operate and function. I’m always thinking about our Dragons and how they are happy and inspired. Having a team-first mentality puts all the focus on that for me. Plus, it seems to wrap all our other core values into it:

  • Thinking Positively is part of my core! 
  • Impactful Work is what happens when we live out our core values.
  • Doing Good warms my heart because we have a focus on doing good with our work and also in our community and for people in general.
  • Having Fun comes from loving what I do. It helps me to be happy and look for ways to keep the team positive and inspired — especially with food. I love to make our Dragons happy with food!

Give a snapshot into your day to help us understand your area of expertise.

Before the workday begins, I stretch and shower, and do my devotion so I can stay focused on God and give Him all of my day. I have coffee and oatmeal with my husband, Joe. It’s our routine. My workday starts with doing my calendar and to-do list. It’s satisfying to check things off the list as the day progresses. Gives me a sense of accomplishment. Throughout the day, I work to keep the team positive by celebrating our Dragons’ birthdays and work anniversaries, and doing mini-games to keep people motivated.

Mid-day, I try to take a break so I am not at my computer all day. The habit keeps me healthy and focused. I wrap up around 5:00 or 6:00 pm to make dinner and enjoy time with Joe and the family. I’m a foodie so I love cooking, baking, and gardening. 

Did we mention she has a new role?

We asked DMF what she’s most excited about as she takes on the role of Chief of Staff. Here’s what she said:

I’m comfortable with the operations work so now I’m mostly excited about doing more HR. It’s another new skill set that I get to develop.

Keep learning and developing, DMF. We’re all better for it!

If you want to get to know Dorothy (DMF) better, you can find her at [email protected] or on LinkedIn.