Atlanta Celebrates Photography
The task at hand.
Bring Photography and Photographers to Life in Atlanta Through Public Mural
What we brought to the table.
Atlanta Celebrates Photography (ACP) is a nonprofit arts organization dedicated to cultivating the photographic arts and Atlanta's art community. The organization turned to Dragon Army to create a groundbreaking immersive street-level art experience that would tell 20 stories of renewal and reinvention through the photography of 20 Atlanta-based artists. We developed an augmented reality (AR) mural of a phoenix. Each feather contains a photo and QR code that, when scanned with a smartphone, 'explodes' with color, information, and a web portal to additional content. Audiences can also capture a still image of the experience to share on their social platforms.
QR, Unity, 3D, QR, Zappar
Dragon Army's creative use of AR brought life to our Phoenix Photo Mural with imagination and spirit. The public art mural brings photographers and their work together in a beautiful experience that transforms the traditional art experience into something deep, personal, and memorable.

Stephanie Dowda DeMer
Executive Director, Atlanta Celebrates Photography

Experience Museum-quality Art in Beautiful Full Expression
I want something like this!
Dragon Army is the partner that can get it done.