Morehouse School of Medicine
The task at hand.
Contain COVID-19 with Humor and Celebrity Impact.
What we brought to the table.
A recognized and trusted voice with scientific public health credibility, Morehouse School of Medicine (MSM) ranks among the nation’s leading medical schools and HBCUs. MSM saw a need to draw attention to the risks of gathering and promoting safe, healthy behaviors during the holidays.
The #MSMMaskup PSA encouraged people to stay home and wear a mask. To get people to listen, act, and comply, that message needed to be delivered not by doctors and authority figures — rather, by celebrities and through the use of humor. Dragon Army built and executed a full social media-driven PSA campaign built around a script titled “Stay Your [BLEEP] at Home.” Messages were delivered via an entertaining video collection of celebrity voices including Soledad O’Brien and Roy Wood Jr., as well as captivating social copy and sharable images and gifs.
Social Media, Content Strategy, Messaging, Design, Campaign Management
We knew the holidays could be dangerous, especially for the BIPOC community, which already suffers inequities in healthcare and support. We also knew it was critical to double down on the importance of staying home, staying distant, and wearing a mask, especially during a season when people want to come together most. Watching the rise in COVID-19 cases, we had to work fast to call people to responsible action. Dragon Army helped us to deliver a PSA campaign with thoughtfulness, creativity, and humor. And they did it with speed and incredible accuracy. There’s no doubt that this project saved lives.

Goldie Taylor
CMO, Morehouse School of Medicine

I want something like this!
Dragon Army is the partner that can get it done.